New Magnolia English Reader 1
- Publisher : Orient BlackSwaan
- Author: Orient BlackSwan
- Availability: Out Of Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
New Magnolia English Readers CISCE Class 1 lay a strong foundation for cumulative learning, paving the way for enhanced cognitive development. The course is built on age-appropriate concepts and activities.
The texts, exercises and activities in the Readers along with active digital support facilitate a well-rounded learning and teaching experience inside the classroom and beyond.- Reading variety of texts across genres from the ICSE Suggested Reading list. One play has been included in each Reader (1-8), Number of units: 12 + number of poems: 6.
- Texts and poems are based on themes like self & family, health and hygiene, the world around us, etc. to motivate the student to reflect and respond creatively.
- Speaking and Listening sections in the Readers emphasize effective use of these skills in everyday life. The tasks are designed to enable fluency and accuracy in communication. The Pronunciation section also aids better communication.
- Grammar, Vocabulary and Writing have simple, accurate explanations and examples as well as extended practice.
- Study Skills exercises to practise spelling, punctuation and dictionary usage.
Tags: New Magnolia English Reader 1, Orient BlackSwan, Class-1
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